ave sword-like brows and star-like eyes, handsome as ever, he is no longer as dashing as when they first met. 。"Momo, long time no see" 。"Cold Day's demeanor remains as warm and elegant as ever." 。To...Ming Sihan, however, didn't seem to care: "Isn't it possible to find out about his background"
"Bodyguards like them, only their employer and their boss know their backgrounds. Outsiders have no way of knowing..."
It's just like if Lang An wanted to check on me, they wouldn't find anything either. 。Pei Xuanyan explained. 。
Ming Sihan then fell silent.
"Of course," 。Ming Sihan frankly admittedselection fees have already become an international norm. Mr. Leng, if you want to cancel them, are you trying to shoot yourself in the foot""My meaning is simple, cancel seat selection fees for short...